Dr. Matthew Harrison


Homecare All About Water Flossing
The chances are high that your dentist or dental hygienist has been pushing you to floss daily every...

Sep 09

Homecare The Ultimate Guide to Flossing
One of the most critical parts of oral hygiene is flossing. Flossing prevents plaque buildup, which ultimately decreases...

May 13

Homecare The Oral Systemic Connection
Research has shown that there are connections between oral health and overall health. Your body and your dental...

May 06

Homecare What You Can Do To Maintain Your Oral Health
Many people seek natural health solutions to achieve improved well-being naturally. Avoiding the chemicals and unnatural ingredients found...

Apr 22

Homecare How Sugar Affects Your Teeth and Gums
We all know that sugar is bad for us, yet we continue to eat it. Perhaps it’s an...

Nov 06

Homecare 10 Ways to Help Prevent Cavities and Promote Optimal Oral Health
Everyone knows that dental hygiene is crucially important for a number of reasons, yet most of us fail...

Oct 02

Homecare Top 5 Best Home Whitening Kits
The most frequent question about tooth whitening kits is, “Do they really work?” Whether you’ve had expensive tooth...

Feb 21